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If Characters From Greek Mythology Existed Today

If Characters From Greek Mythology Existed Today

If Characters From Greek Mythology Existed Today

Greek mythology still plays a big part in modern life, from the names of some of the biggest brands in the world to discussions about literature, science and the arts. Amazon was named after female warriors, the jewelry brand Pandora takes its name from the very first female mortal to exist in Greek mythology, luxury brand Hermes is named after the messenger of Greek gods, and the list goes on with examples like Nike, Apollo, and even the word "cereal", which comes from Ceres, the Greek god of grain.

Capricorn T-Shirt

Common names such as Troy, Jason, Damon, Helen, Phoebe, and Penelope also hail from Greek mythology, as do all of the names of the star signs of the zodiac, such as Libra and Capricorn, as on this Capricorn T-Shirt, further demonstrating its continuing relevance today. There are even knots named after the stars of Greek mythology, such as the Hercules Knot, as on this Hercules Knot T-Shirt, or reef knot. But can you imagine if Zeus and Hera existed today? Let’s consider how they would fit into the modern world, along with how some of the most famous myths could be applied to the current world.

Hercules Knot T-Shirt

Zeus in the Senate or the boardroom?

Zeus was the king of the gods, so there is no doubt that he would be a dominant leader in the modern world. Whether he would be popular is another matter, however, given his womanizing ways and reputation for having a fiery temper. He would probably fit in the mold of a high-profile politician or CEO, but it is likely he would divide opinion in whatever role he filled.

It is likely, however, that some people would appreciate his clear leadership in a troubled world, although it cannot be forgotten that Zeus famously favored war and overthrew his own father, Cronus. He may not, therefore, be the key to more peaceful times. Zeus was known for being a hospitable god, however, and treated merchants and people from other lands well. Perhaps he would have a diplomatic role in current times.

Hera at the helm

Hera was Zeus’ wife but also a dominant woman in her own right. She is renowned for being beautiful and proud and is a special protector for married women. She represented an ideal view of the female species, and it is hard to consider that she would be anything but some sort of social or political activist with feminist leanings today. U.S. journalist, feminist and social political activist Gloria Steinem could have been cut from the same cloth as Hera, who was powerful in her own right even before she married the King of the Gods.

Phaethon and climate change

Phaethon was Helio’s son, and his myth could be seen as a striking prophecy relating to the current climate crisis. His arrogance led to him disobeying his father’s commands and wreaking havoc on the earth and in the skies.

If Phaethon existed today, he would be considered one of the many people in the world who think that they have the power to take nature’s reins, even when it means guiding the planet toward disaster.

The Olympic Games

There is nowhere that characters from Greek mythology would fit in more than at the Olympic Games. After all, this sporting spectacle began in Ancient Greece around 3,000 years ago. Maybe Poseidon could take to the pool in the postponed Tokyo 2020 event? He certainly wouldn’t be the first competitor to be renowned for his temperamental attitude, although most don’t have the ability to control storms and earthquakes.


Hosting the post-lockdown party

The Olympics is a global celebration of sport, but everyone deserves a party after the turmoil of the last year. At the head of the organizing committee for the best celebrations would be Dionysus, the Greek god of wine and festivities. Fun-loving and also the god of fertility, Dionysus would surely know just how to throw a party to remember.

Celebrating the home

Covid meant many people spent more time at home than usual. Lots of people struggled with this change, but it would have probably been a godsend to Hestia. The goddess of the home and the hearth was considered vital to everyday life in Ancient Greece, and she would have been a real comfort during the troubled times of the global pandemic. People snuggled up in their lockdown loungewear would relish the heat of the legendary fire of Hestia and the flames that were so central to family and community life in times gone by.